Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pandora 40 Hour Limit Work Around

Pandora Internet Radio Limit to 40 hours ... a work around to the account limitation

To Reset Pandora Internet Radio, do this:

Log out of Pandora and close your browser.

Open up this location on your computer using My Computer: (note: replace USER with your profile name that you're logged into the computer as):

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects

Go into this folder by double-clicking it. In this folder my be one or more folders with seemingly random characters. Go into the sub folder and find the folder named: Delete it.

Next, go to this location (again replace USER with your profile name):

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\support\flashplayer\sys

Find the folder and Delete it.

Then go to C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Cookies

Delete all the cookies (or just the pandora cookie if you want to save your other cookies)

That's it! Just restart Pandora and log into the next account that has not expired or create a new account at this point using another email address. Local information stored on the computer will be removed and your time limit is reset. Basically you are removing the session information and resetting the saved account total back to 40 hours. Now Pandora might be saving the account total on their end and there's nothing you can do about that except have more than one account. The problem is when this session information is saved locally on the computer. If you log out of a computer and someone else had been using this same computer to listen to Pandora, the hours are totaled up even though there was two or more accounts in use. This was my issue. I move around the network working on computers and like to log into Pandora to have some tunage while working. When one of the office people uses Pandora and they had used up the 40 hours, I was screwed. Well, I am in control of the computer so I can remove anything stored on it. So Clearing the Pandora account limit is completely within my control. Even though I didn't use up my 40 hours someone else did but I was limited to their hours of use.

That being said, Pandora is a great service and all of us Pandora users should do what we can to support them. The best way to do this is to support Pandora's advertisers! Those ads on their music interface are what pay's their bills. Some of them are pretty interesting, check them out!

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