Saturday, July 30, 2011

Invalid Truths of the Republican Rhetoric

Amplify’d from
Debt ceiling rhetoric by GOP misleads and endangers the nation

The first “invalid truth” is that if wealthy Americans are given tax breaks, their savings will “trickle down” to those below them in the economy through greater investments and the creation of jobs. The “trickle-down theory” hoax, first advanced by Ronald Reagan, was resurrected and repackaged under George W. Bush. The problem was that Bush’s administration gave huge tax breaks as well as multibillion-dollar bail-outs and simultaneously saw the largest loss of American jobs in decades — a loss from which we never recovered.

The second collective “invalid truths” advanced by Tea Party Republicans are the hollow arguments against raising the debt ceiling. That same debt ceiling was raised 18 times under Reagan and seven times under the last Bush, with not a whisper of opposition. Suddenly, under Obama, it is critical to cap spending and the national debt and risk defaulting on outstanding obligations even when doing so could disrupt the already-fragile American and world economies. In addition to capping the debt ceiling, conservative Republicans also seek drastic, class-lopsided budget cuts that would hurt those already reeling in this economic crisis: the rapidly dwindling middle class.

Since we know the Republican plan is based on invalid truths, where is the truth?

The answer is simple and obvious: The conservative agenda is to unseat Obama at all cost — even if it imperils the American and world economies. Truth be told, the presidency of this brilliant, good-looking, articulate, African-American role model has never been accepted by conservatives despite the fact that the American people duly elected him. They called him a socialist, stonewalled every Obama initiative, and even denied his legitimacy as an American. Now, in desperation, they’ve upped the ante by holding Congress hostage to advance their reverse Robin Hood economic agenda. The end goal is for Tea Party (a euphemism for neo-right wing) conservatives to seize long-term power by not only unseating Obama, but dismantling all that he represents as well, thereby turning back the clock.

Propagation of ”invalid truths” is not unlike another infamous concept advanced by Vladimir Lenin: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” The comparison should be sobering to those who love America’s ideals. The Republican Party has been hijacked by its powerful conservative branch and held hostage by hollow promises of political longevity. To date, mainstream Republicans have lacked the intestinal fortitude to extricate themselves from the grips of the mean-spirited and egocentric within their ranks. This will change if Americans of all political persuasions demand sane government from their congressional leaders. The demand should be to place the good of America ahead of the party and its deep-pocket, special-interest supporters.

Darrell A. Jackson, Ed.D., is an educational consultant. An educator for 40 years, he is a retired principal from the Ewing school district.


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