Saturday, June 18, 2005

Onion - Stem Cell Bill

The House recently passed a bill lifting restrictions on stem-cell research, but Bush has threatened to veto the bill if it passes the Senate. What do you think?

Ali Marni
Ali Marni
"The Democrats and Republicans—and most of the American public—are actually in agreement over an issue. You can see how Bush would want to put a stop to that right away."

Todd Filbert
Todd Filbert
"Some things are just morally reprehensible, like using science to save people's lives."
Tanya Spinks
Tanya Spinks
Hand Model
"If Bush vetoes this bill, I'm going to veto him! With a bumper sticker, of course."
Gary Schneider
Gary Schneider
Systems Analyst
"Hey, if it weren't for scientific research, Christopher Reeve would've died on that polo field and none of this would even be an issue in the first place."
Wesley Wilkes
Wesley Wilkes
Fry Cook
"The Democrats want stem-cell research so they can cure multiple sclerosis. The GOP wants it so they can grow an army of zombies. So Bush is in a tough spot politically."
Rose Anderson
Rose Anderson
"They're not stems, they're babies! And they're not cells, they're babies! And it's not research, it's babies!"

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